I’ve been an athlete my whole life. Growing up I played softball and basketball. Softball eventually became my main focus, as I went on to play at the collegiate level. Throughout high school and college I was a pitcher and middle infielder. With my successful high school pitching career, I became a pitching instructor and travel ball coach while I was in college. I coached girls from 10 years old to 18 years old and that was my passion. I loved coaching those girls and leading them to be successful on and off the field. Fast forward to my adulthood where I went on to play Conference Softball. The dedication you have to have in order to be successful at that level is tiring, but so worth it. I ended my competitive softball career in 2023 with a AA Majors Championship, a 2nd Team All Conference Award, and making the All World Tournament Team. After I decided that I was going to retire from competitive softball, I realized that I needed to fill that void somewhere else and that is what led me to CrossFit. After a year of dedicating my time to CrossFit, I have found a sense of belonging and fulfillment that I never expected. Through CrossFit I’ve learned that all it takes is one person to believe in you and that one person can change your life. I want to be that believer, that life changer, and the one who makes the scary, not so scary.
The fear of failure has beat me down more times than I can count. This was always the worst on the softball field. If I didn’t get that hit or I didn’t make that play, I thought that everyone thought I was a failure. I did carry that same fear into the CrossFit gym, however about 6 months ago I realized that I know longer needed to carry that fear. I have people in my corner that no matter what are proud of me, I have people there by my side to not only push me, but catch me when I fall, and most of all I have a true support system in them all. This goes to show that fear is a liar and the only way to get past it is to face your fear head on.
All it takes is that one person and that one person can change a life. I want to be that one person to change the lives of many.